Fall Drama, All in the Timing, Cast Announced

October 14, 2015
It’s that time of the year again! No not for pumpkin spice latte’s, scarfs, or riding boots. It’s time for the fall play!
“All In The Timing,” is about comedy and it includes five short scenes or one acts,focusing on the absurd. Each scene has its own lesson or commentary on the subject matter, and with comedy serving as the connecting thread, according to Barbara Castania, Wayne teacher and director.
This play was chosen because of the challenge that it presents to the WHHS actors, seasoned and new alike. “Taking on a show like this highlights a certain skill set and often requires more from actors than a flat out drama. Well done funny is really hard, and it absolutely is all in the timing,” Castania said.
Lydienne Ajebe- Betty
Brandon Kim- young man
Kyle Dunnigan- Bill and Swift
Carly Jeon -waitress
Veronica Gail – Kafka
Tom Romanelli-Mark
Trevor Brooks -Milton
Jordan Green -Trotsky
Anna DeMarinis – Dawn
Isabelle Wilders-Mrs. Trotsky
Matt Ferrara-Don and Al
Paolo Recchia-Ramon
Trevor Brooks, sophomore, was most excited to see how ‘Universal Language’ works. The most challenging part for him about being apart of the play is “finding time to truly put yourself into the character’s shoes you are covering.” However, the most rewarding for Brooks is “the friends that you make along the way that share a similar passion.”
“All In The Timing” plays December 3, 4, and 5 at 7pm. Ticket information will be available closer to the show.