Field Hockey Team Credits Says It’s All About That Dedication

By Bre Baldanza and Gwen Sanagustin

Great power comes with great responsibilities. When we think of fall sports the first that comes to mind is football, however there’s lots more happening on the turf field than touchdowns and field goals. For 45 girls it’s the sport of Field Hockey.  With back-to-back county championships under their belt, the team owes its success to dedication and leadership of not only Coach Lynn Londino but the captains as well.
With a record of 3-0, the team is off to a great start.  Captains, Amy Prol, Liz Byrne, and Alison Badami have been putting in the work to make this season the most successful one yet. “Being a captain is a really big responsibility,” says Liz Byrne.   “I feel that as a captain I have to be there for my teammates, whether it is related to field hockey or not. We have a bunch of new players who I am really grateful and excited to play with.” She went to say, “we have a lot of potential to be great this season! Every year is a different experience, but we always have a lot of fun.”  The girls all feel really optimistic about this season and are setting for another county championship. “If we step on the field with confidence and do the little things right, we can accomplish great things.” says Prol.