After all of the testing and stress of last month, I think we could all use a break, don’t you? Well, the good news is that we have one coming up and it’s been extended from Friday to Tuesday! The bad news is it’s about a month away. Technically that’s not so far away, but it will definitely feel like it. Nevertheless, thanks to unused snow days, Friday and Tuesday have been added to our break! And students are already beginning to plan for the five day weekend.
We all know about the Memorial Day parade and how exciting it can be to watch it, but it’s a whole other feeling to actually perform in the parade. The WHHS marching band will soon known this feeling as they march through town playing music and twirling flags. “It’s such an honor to be asked to perform in the parade.” says sophomore Tori Anderson. “I know we’re all really excited and are prepared to do our very best!”
Other people plan to go away for the weekend. “I’m going on a cruise to Disney” says sophomore Amanda Fierro. “I’m really excited!” It’s great to get away with your family and spend some time with them. Its also always fun to travel to new places, or maybe even places you’ve been. Whether to visit family or to see a new place, to anyone who gets that opportunity this weekend, I’m significantly jealous!
Some just plan to hang out with their friends. Even though most of us go to school with our closest friends, you don’t always get to see them in school, so a long weekend is a perfect time to catch up and make plans with people. “After the parade,” says sophomore Melissa Lehman, “I’m having a BBQ/ pool party with all my friends and family.” Sounds like fun!
If you’re anything like me, your plans probably consist of sleeping in, watching movies, and staying home for five days. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. It is a weekend after all, it was made for relaxing and doing nothing.
So whether you’re going far away or staying right at home, just make sure you make time to unwind before you have to come back to school. Or take the opportunity to make some plans with you friends and family. Whatever you plan to do, I hope you all have a great Memorial Day Weekend and enjoy your extra two days!