The National Honors Society has some new upcoming fundraising activities! Finishing off the year with some fun events that are coming up! May 14th is the first fundraiser that is happening and it’s a volleyball tournament against our rivals Wayne Valley High School! All the NHS students at WHHS and Wayne Valley are volunteering in this tournament! It’s a fun way to raise money and have a good time!
“ I’m really excited to participate in this year’s NHS volleyball tournament! It’s a great way to fundraise and join together both schools to have a fun game! Said senior, Cailey Blazier.
Another upcoming event will be held on May 20th the NHS will be fundraising an auction off of the teachers here at WHHS to get hit in the face with a pie and also the nhs officers! Tons of teachers volunteered and the students get to pick whoever they want to pie!
Both these events are fundraising for CASA which is an organization that helps underprivileged kids in the Passaic county.
“ Everyone should come to pie their favorite teachers in the face and raise money for underprivileged kids at the same time” said Andrew Poalillo.