Yearbook Help needed for Next Year

By Yara Abaza

If you are interested in taking part in designing the class of 2017 yearbook, then you are in luck, because the yearbook is looking for help!

They want someone who is tech savvy and who can update the social media presence, according to the yearbook advisor Patricia Noll. “Right now we’re lacking on keeping our social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube) up to date and we want someone who can take on the job,” Noll said.

The position also entails  editing and designing the website and creating an app. If you wish to apply , visit Noll in room 114 and apply online at

 Yearbook is also looking for a “business person” to market and promote the yearbook as well as help keep track of sales.

But, you do not need to be a member of the class to help. If you want to submit any photos for next school year’s yearbook, then they can be submitted via email at or through the app HJ eShare. Any photos taken by students and staff are welcome, especially photos for the 50th anniversary of WHHS!

Also, don’t forget to buy your yearbook for this school year! They will be distributed June 9, 10, and 13 during lunch periods and after school in room 114. “I can’t wait to see the awesome yearbooks that the yearbook club came up with for my class,” said Sarah Merza, a senior at WHHS.