PARCC Testing Returns to Hills

March 13, 2016
From April 11 to April 29, students at Hills and Valley will once again participate in PARCC testing. This year brings many new changes for PARCC, most notably the change from two testing blocks in March and May, to only one in April. A paper-based test will also be administered this year, however, the Wayne School District has not yet confirmed that this option will be used. The test is also slightly shorter, with total high school testing times decreasing by about 1.4 hours (11.1 down to 9.7).
Unsurprisingly, the test has already generated controversy across the country, including Wayne. Similar to last year, many students, parents and teachers have complained that the test is too long. 9.7 hours is still a long testing period and many feel that this time could be better spent. The testing dates have also caused backlash; Situated between spring break and AP exams, this year’s PARCC might slam freshmen after a long break, and also cut into junior’s AP exam studying.
After last year’s sub-par testing results, this year’s administration of PARCC may lead to a similar outcome. Students choosing to opt out may be more widespread than last year, even with the implementation of PARCC as a possible graduation requirement. Unless students achieve proficient scores on other standardized tests such as the SAT and ACT, their PARCC scores must be proficient in order to graduate.