School Hat Crackdown

February 24, 2016
While walking through the halls of Wayne Hills High School, there are often students walking around with hats, even though there is school rule against wearing hats. This brings up an interesting debate: is there a problem with wearing a hat in an indoor, public vicinity? Many people have different takes on this question. Some believe that wearing a hat indoors is informal and an act of laziness. There is an abundance of people who feel that taking off a hat before entering a public domain is a sign of proper manners and a respectful attitude. A student who wishes to be anonymous added, “Hats are a potential danger to the school because they can hide one’s identity, which is a major security concern.”
On the contrary, Jason Reiser, a sophomore, thought about the positives of allowing students to wear hats in school, claiming, “Hats are a fun and stylish way to express yourself.”
Many people wear hats as a piece of fashion, another way to express themselves and what they like. Others may find that throwing on a hat before going out the door is a life saver if they did not comb or brush their hair properly.
What do you think about students wearing hats at school? Let us know in the comments!
Noah Field • Mar 15, 2016 at 5:59 PM
There are several reasons why wearing a hat in a public place is a sign of disrespect. One way that this is an indication is that it is not the right way to present yourself. Also, it is disrespectful if you wear a hat during a national anthem and in a public place such as a school or municipal building. Having a rule about not wearing hats in school is an excellent idea.