When we go to class everyday, it feels like a task or a job that we have to get over with. As students, we might not realize how much hard work and dedication our teachers put in every day. From setting up a lecture to creating assignments, we are able to receive a great education. The real question is, how do teachers do it all?
The Student Council hosted a fundraiser called “Intern For a Day” on Friday, February 14th. Students chose a teacher to stick around with for the day, contributed a small financial donation, and submitted an application in order to be selected. Once chosen, each student was able to prepare lesson plans and educate alongside his or her favorite teacher. This gave students insight on a teacher’s everyday life and what they do in preparation for their classes. The teachers and Executive Student Council Advisors who ran this event were Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Silvestri.
Mrs. Silvestri loved the idea of Intern For a Day and thought it was such a great experience for not only students, but teachers as well. “My intern, Hannah, was able to get a ‘behind the scenes’ look at my classes and see how each of them differ. She noticed how each class was doing something different, and I would adjust my materials and resources for the day based on the class”, Mrs. Silvestri shared.
Her students loved having one of their peers in the class because it made the lesson more relatable. “It was awesome to have a ‘helping hand’ and let my class learn from someone their age, who they can really relate to, for a change,” she admitted.
Although this event seemed like a success, the question still stands: will Intern For a Day continue? Mrs. Silvestri said that “[she and Mrs. Morgan] have been making it our priority to do more interactive and engaging things for both students and staff. We figured this would not only be an educational and captivating day, but would also give students and staff a chance to collaborate.”
“We definitely plan to do this every year, and we are looking forward to this new tradition”, she added. With this hope in mind, it is safe to say that Student Council is looking forward to hosting Intern For a Day every year from here on out. Thank you to the members of Student Council, Mrs. Silvestri, and Mrs. Morgan for organizing a fun and engaging event for students and teachers here at Wayne Hills! Do you think you would you apply to be an intern for a day?