It’s hard to keep a smile on your face constantly, but that’s one thing that is never a struggle for senior Chelsey Fernicola. Her positive attitude always brings spirits up in a dull room. No matter the situation, her positivity shines through the roof and spreads amongst others. Whether it’s a simple smile while passing in the hallway, or a phone call to check in. Chelsey reminds you that even on tough days, you should look for the light in it. In a world where things can constantly feel overwhelming having a friend like Chelsey is truly a gift because of her contagious smile and laughter.
As a three-sport athlete in Cheerleading, Dance, and Gymnastics, Chelsey has always been a positive influence and leader for her teams. She has been captain for all three, Cheer team, Dance team, and Gymnastics team. This says something about her, it shows coaches trust her to be a leader. This year will be her third year competing as an SDA aerobics captain for the maroon team. With her hard work and uplifting spirits last year Chelsey’s dance placed first place. This was Chelsey’s biggest accomplishment and one of her most proud moments to come. When it comes to a sport she knows how to give it her all. She leads positively and takes charge as she has the determination to win. Knowing she tries her hardest leaves her with a satisfaction unlike any other. Her teammate Claudia Gail states, “Chelsey constantly gives it one hundred percent, she wants to be the best she can while performing our halftime routine, and her grin never fails to reach ear to ear. Having a teammate who is constantly willing to give it her all and try her best, motivates other girls apart of her team to do the same.”
“It makes me so happy that my attitude brightens others, and it makes me feel better at night.” This quote from Chelsey perfectly captures the essence of who she is. At the age of 2, Chelsey began to fall in love with dance. She made lifelong friendships along the way.
“Although meeting Chelsey at dance class took place in second grade, It is a memory that will stick with me forever. I didn’t know why she was so bubbly and happy, I just figured she was having a good day. 10 years later her bubbly, smiley personality hasn’t changed in the slightest,” said. Claudia Gail. This shows how Chelsey’s personality is always so bubbly and positive, even since she was a kid.
Despite Chelsey has struggles with anxiety she looks past this and never lets it impact her emotions. She pushes through this and still makes a daily impact on individuals’ lives. Chelsey states, “My strongest characteristic about myself is having a kind heart.”
By focusing on kindness Chelsey overcomes her struggles. Through her actions, she demonstrates that everyone goes through their struggles, It’s still possible to be positive and spread kindness, her actions speak louder than words. She continuously demonstrates that kindness isn’t just an action or feeling, it’s a choice, that you can make every day.
Rachel Anevski • Feb 8, 2025 at 10:38 AM
Chels and her big heart
this is so special.