This year, winter break lasted 12 days. As amazing as this extra long break was, it made it much harder for students to get back on track. It is especially difficult for the freshmen who have already experienced high school for a couple of months and are already feeling tired of it.
My first day back, January 2, didn’t go as planned. I woke up late, took way too long to get ready, forgot to charge my Chromebook, forgot my Chromebook and needed my sister to drop it off for me, and got to school late all in the first hours of the day. I couldn’t focus in my classes and nearly fell asleep in a few of them, since I hadn’t readjusted to waking up so early every day.
I got similar responses when I asked some other kids how they felt being back in school. Freshman Irem Hadzi had very little to say on the matter, simply saying “I hate my life. Kidding, school isn’t that bad right now but I can’t wait for summer. I don’t want to go back to labs. Or English. Or history”
Another freshman, Macarena Thuollier, said “I feel very sad. I miss laying in my bed all day and falling asleep whenever.”
These reactions seem to reflect a majority of students’ views on being back at school; however, some people had a more positive outlook on it. Freshman Lucas Lerena said, “I’m back, and as much as I don’t want to be here work is easy right now and my friends make working a lot easier. Plus, I’d rather be here in school than laying down bed-rotting all day.”
I think it’s safe to say that there isn’t a whole lot of excitement when coming back to school after such a long break, but at least it isn’t all terrible just yet!