On November 27th, Moana 2 premiered in theaters. The original Moana film came out in 2016 and was exceptionally popular among all audiences including children and even adults. Moana 1 is well known for its amazing music, one of its most famous songs being “How Far I’ll Go.” Lin Manuel Miranda wrote the music for the first movie, and his work is perpetually appreciated by so many people.
However, the second movie has been controversial among fans of the original Moana movie because of its new songwriter, Emily Bear. Bear wrote the music for the second movie and despite people’s doubts for her new style, the new music appealed to all ages and was liked by many people.
Freshman Gabby Lombardo said that she “liked [the second movie] a lot. I enjoyed how they used new characters and continued the same concepts from the original movie.” Gabby appreciated the second film as it is new and exciting while also holding onto some of the most loved components of the original Moana.
On the other hand, some people did not enjoy the second movie as much as the first one. Since the songwriter changed, the music was conveyed in a different way. People were skeptical about whether or not the music would be as memorable or successful. Freshman Sam Dubanowitz did not like the second movie as much as the first one, saying “I felt like it was a bit slow and a little boring but I liked the concept overall.” While Sam did not entirely dislike the movie, she feels that it pales in comparison to the original Moana. Despite this, when asked about the change in music, Sam added that it was “definitely better in the first movie.”
Overall, controversy surrounding the new Moana 2 film has certainly caused debate among viewers. All things considered, it is safe to say that while Moana 2 was a success, its new songwriter and soundtrack definitely lead to a change in opinions about the Moana series.