The 50th Super Bowl was more than spectacular! Aside from football, the performances were shocking, full of life, and nothing but exciting! Lady Gaga starting it off with the National Anthem. The Pepsi halftime show included performances by Coldplay, Bruno Mars and Beyonce. This year was definitely a hit performance by all the artists! Instead of having the annual single artist perform they spiced it up this year by having many performers for this special 50th Super Bowl, along with a look back over the 50 years of performances.
The meaning behind Beyonce’s performance at the super bowl referenced back to the Black Panther Party and The Black Lives Matter movement. Coldplay’s performance all related back to the LGBT community- evident through all of the colors that were spread throughout the stadium. At the end of the riveting performance, part of the audience all held up papers that read “Believe In Love.”
“Beyonce was definitely my favorite performance for the Pepsi halftime, I really enjoyed the different performers this year for the 50th Super Bowl. It was really entertaining having more than one artist perform,” said senior Marisa Scialla.
“I was very stunned and confused by Coldplay’s performance, but I loved Beyonce and especially Bruno Mars, he makes me wants to jump out of my seat and start dancing,” said senior Sarah Mazer.
Patriot Press website had a poll for voters to predict the winners of the 50th Super Bowl. The students of Wayne Hills guessed that the Carolina Panthers will win. Most people wanted to see Greg Olsen defeat in his very first Super Bowl game! In a shocking turn of events Peyton Manning and the Bronco’s had defeated the Panthers. Let us know how you felt about this year’s performances and poll results! Comment and tell us what you think!