Senior Harun Gencer smiling showing the excitement Study Hall brings him!
Being a senior comes with a lot of privileges. One of the biggest privileges for the seniors here at Wayne Hills High School is being allowed to leave for study hall. This is a privilege that many students have been looking forward to since freshman year. Throughout the years of being an underclassmen students have always wished they can leave for study. The ability to leave school for around an hour and be free to do whatever you want is exciting.
Addie Ickowski, a senior said, “I think its good, I think that seniors should be allowed to leave for study hall. Like a senior privilege that underclassmen shouldn’t have.” She described it as a reward for senior students and she thinks that the underclassman not having this independence is right.
“I have study hall in the afternoon and it’s really helpful ’cause I have extended lunch and I get to leave an hour earlier from school. This helps a lot cause it helps me get my homework done and then I can have time to do whatever I want I can go to the gym earlier,” Senior Saif Nasser stated. The freedom gives student an opportunity to do whatever they want, like Saif said, he can go to the gym and be productive during his off time.
Leaving for study hall can really help take stress off of students and lighten their workload. Senior Harun Gencer says “I think that leaving for study hall is great because it gives me time to focus on my homework, it gives me time to go home and rest before my next class, and sometimes I get to spend time with my friends.”
Being able to leave as a senior is one of the best advantages for students. Having an early study before lunch can allow students to sleep in and get a later start on their school day. Students who have a study in the afternoon get the opportunity to beat the parking lot craziness and leave school earlier than everyone else. On days when study is next to lunch, that 2-hour break makes the day go by extremely fast while allowing students to have lots of extra time to get all their homework done. All students find different benefits for themselves.