Students lining up to sign into school
There have always been long lines: to get into a good restaurant; a cultivated concert; or a new clothing drop—however, never have there been such long lines to sign into school late until recently.
Wayne has experienced horrible weather these past few weeks. Due to floods and snow, a majority of everyone’s schedule has been messed up, whether it be because of delayed openings, or early dismissals; resultingly a lot of students have been coming to school late. So much so, that there have been long lines around the main office to sign in essentially disturbing the flow of school.
However, the issue became persistent—it was no longer about harsh weather or the roads being bad. Students began coming in late and they were not doing it alone: hundreds of students were being reported late at a time.
On January 24th, the problem became so exigent that Principal Rewick emailed students and staff. He started the email with “We need your help.” He noted that there has been an increase in lates and that the seniors are coming in late from lunch as well. Rewick points out that although it may be just a few minutes—it becomes a major issue when “nearly 300 students [come] late to school “ which makes up one-quarter of the students.
The lines have become so long that it is making students even later than they were. Junior Lexi Bonczek waited in line for several minutes before being allowed to go to class: Typically when I’m late I just go straight to the main office and sign in,” however, because of the long wait “I missed more than half of my class”
The Wayne Hills Student Handbook states that “Students are expected to be on time for both school and individual classes. A student who arrives late to school during Block 1 must report directly to the designated sign-in location in the Main Lobby by the Commons, or to the Main Office if no one is on duty at the Commons. Students who arrive after Block 1 must sign in at the Main Office.” If students are late, they will receive detentions.
In recent weeks, the school has been more strict about people coming in late. Getting to school on time has become imperative as administrators tackle the issue.