This year, Wayne Hills recently began using a new app for students called Smart Pass. A Smart Pass allows students to create or request passes for now and in the future to go anywhere in the school. Either to go to the bathroom, guidance, fill up water, office, and hall passes.
Before Smart Passes were welcomed into our school the teachers would write, written passes on paper. Many teachers felt like the paper pass was a distraction, causing them to be stopped during class or get interrupted every five minutes.
In contrast, many teachers have positive feelings about Smart Passes.
Mr. Gelalia, who teaches Physical Education said, ” “I think there are pretty good benefits right now. You can kind of track frequent fliers.”
Ms. Vara, an English teacher, agreed saying, “The students just have to signal the teacher and they can just do the pass themselves, so in that way, I think it’s a good idea.”
From Mrs. Grimes’s perspective, she also agrees, “When I’m on duty I can monitor who is where and why they there and do I know them? All I have to do is ask what their name is so I think this is wonderful.”
These teachers have told us they love the new app Smart Passes for various reasons. Writing the digital paper passes took 2 minutes and multiple kids would go through a class period. Teachers were getting very frustrated that’s why Wayne Hills took hold of this new app Smart Passes.
Most students totally dislike this new app.
Many students believe these passes are unfair, they say it feels like punishment, being trapped, unreasonable. Sometimes when you go to the bathroom multiple times a day they lock you out. Students feel like they are watching at all times while using this app.
According to many teachers from the school, teacher’s perspective on this is much different.
Mr. Gelalia, a Physical Education teacher explains, “As a student, I imagine they are opposed to it because everyone knows where everyone is but really it’s all for safety.”
Likewise, Ms. Vara says, “I think it’s positive for students because it gives them the responsibility to monitor their time in whatever they’re going to. So it’s good for like time management.”
Teachers one hundred percent understand the frustration students have on this app, but really it’s for safety and for protection for all.
Even though Smart Passes are rarely new they are going to have a great effect on Wayne Hills High School students and at the end of the year they are going to be be a changing experience for all.