Are you still trying to find your perfect College? Well, look no further because colleges from all over America have started coming to Wayne Hills!
Colleges end a representative to Wayne Hills to entice us into applying to their schools. These College Reps are usually sent from schools all over the Northeast. However, there still are some visits from southern schools like the University of Kentucky and Florida Tampa if that interests you.
These visits are definitely worth going to. Even if you aren’t sure a specific college is for you, why not go? Each visit is around 20-30 minutes and who knows, you might actually become interested in the school. It gives a good insight into the school and provides additional information you might not have known.
Senior Julie Bae was reluctant to go to these college visits at first since she thought it was not beneficial and honestly boring, after a couple of visits she said “I enjoy college visits because I get to see an inside look at the campus and all the college has to offer.”
Another good reason to go on these College visits and speak to representatives is the little ‘invisible points’ you gain. Let’s say you don’t have the best GPA or SAT scores but you really want to go to this one college, a college visit might boost your chances of getting in! Even if your scores might not be up to par, a college visit will give you extra ‘points’ so to speak because you are showing “demonstrative interest”. These College Reps will see your interest in their school and your name will show up on their list while they view applications, thus giving you a strong start.
Guidance Counselor Mr. Bender also thinks “It’s beneficial for students to attend college visits because they can learn a lot about schools in which they may be interested, meet school representatives who may be the ones to personally review their application, as well as earn demonstrated interest points.”
Applying to college is stressful enough, we tend to doubt our chances of getting in and undermine our achievements. Going to these college visits might give you a boost, both on the application and your confidence.
If you are interested in registering for a College Visit go on Naviance under the “college visits” tab or email your counselor.