Photography Students Offer Headshot Fundraiser

Flyer created by Marketing Class to advertise fundraiser

By Emily Sawyer, Senior Editor

Last week, the Wayne Hills Photography Club offered to take staff headshots, fundraising money for a field trip to The Color Factory in New York City.

On February 13, 14, and 16, staff members were encouraged to come to the Photo room during lunch to get a professional-level headshot taken by AP Photo 4 students for $10. 

Upon arrival, staff members were led into Hills’ photography studio, and placed at the center of the room, with softbox lights all around them.

Students attempted to come up with corny jokes for each staff member to laugh at to capture the most genuine smiles they could.

AP Photo IV is described as a college-level photography course, preparing students for real-life scenarios working with clients in the photography world, if that is something he or she would want to pursue. Therefore, each Photo IV student was given the opportunity to work with a staff member and take their headshot, which practiced not only headshot photography, but also social skills and working with clients to produce work that makes both parties happy.

With 10-15 photos taken per person, staff members could select their one favorite which would get light editing to enhance features, and then be turned back to that person.

AP Photo IV teacher Ms. Stomel said, “Overall, the fundraiser was a success.”

Guidance Counselor Ms. Sandas was one of the staff members that got her picture taken. She said, “It was a fun experience and I’m glad to help give back to the students!”

While the fundraiser is no longer running, it is possible that at some point we may offer something similar again.