How “Well” Are Wellness Weekends Really?

Sophomores Lexi Bonczek, Rebecca Siuffe, and Mackayla Teli, exhausted before the Wellness weekend

By Stephanie Tulpan, Staff Writer

Now that another Wellness weekend has passed, students are feeling unwell about the heavy workload accumulating immediately after the weekend ended. 

Wellness Weekends usually fall three times each school year. Already this school year, we had a Wellness weekend from November 23-27, and two more are scheduled for the weekends of February 17-20 and May 26-29.

During these weekends, students do not have any obligations to the Wayne Schools District, meaning they do not have to prepare for any tests, quizzes, or complete various other assignments. In their leisure time, students might spend more time with their families, enjoy moments with their friends, or even get a few extra hours of sleep.

At a Board of Education meeting earlier this school year, the District’s Superintendent, Dr. Toback, said, “[These weekends] mean no homework, no tests or quizzes and no due date scheduled directly or before or after a Wellness weekend.”

It is expected that teachers will not assign work with a due date directly before, during, or after one of these weekends, however they may feel obligated to squeeze work into the tight schedule, so therefore this expectation isn’t always obtained.

Students expressed their frustration with this earlier in the school year, and to this day are still not feeling content with the lack of “wellness” they feel. Freshman Luca Bassora, who just turned in an essay for his history class on Thursday, said, “The essay is way too much work for two days… I have other classes to handle. I don’t have time to do the whole thing for homework.”

Although teachers may not be assigning homework over the weekend, they may still try to cram in work at the last minute. By doing this, students end up feeling more stressed than eased, and the intent of the Wellness weekend is forgotten about.

But despite cases like these, most teachers are understanding and empathetic of students during these times. They make sure to lighten up the workload days before the weekend begins, and do not schedule assessments until the days following the weekend.

English teacher Ms. Caamaño, who is in support of Wellness Weekends, validates the weekends’ true meaning and acknowledges their importance to students. She said, “Wellness Weekends are a good opportunity to just slow down, step back, unplug, and do something we enjoy.” With the help of our accommodating teachers, the intent of these Wellness weekends is upheld, and students can feel a sense of relief.

Students enjoyed being free from the obligations they’re tied to on a daily basis, though now that the weekend is over, school is back in session and work is piling up once again.