Students Resolutions For This New Year

Students of Wayne Hills, Jasmine Kline and Julianna Vezzola

By Emily Kozak, Junior Editor

Are New Year’s resolutions cringy and overrated?

If you think so, you aren’t the only one. However, the New Year is a great opportunity to change things we don’t like about ourselves. New Year,  new you, and more so new personality.

I interviewed a couple of students at Wayne Hills and asked them about their New Year’s resolutions and plans for this upcoming year.

Senior Lizzy Boulos said, “My New Year’s resolution is first to get my AP Human Geography project done first.” She has been working very hard for her group these past few classes. “I also hope to steal all of my boyfriend’s clothes from his closet.” Lizzy doesn’t like buying her own clothes so she takes them from people, current victim: her boyfriend. She said, “I also want to get into all of the colleges I applied to.” That’s a valid resolution since most seniors this time of year haven’t heard from all their colleges yet.

Senior Mohammed Asaad said, “I want to beat a record and eat 100 cookies, chocolate chip cookies to be exact.” While that was unsettling to hear, at least it’s somewhat productive since he is trying to become better.

Sophomore Kaitlyn Lama

Mary Puglisi and Anela Bonney both said, “I have no resolutions.” As they said, “New Year’s resolutions are pointless. If you need to wait till a new year to get motivated that’s an issue you have to fix.”  I agree with them.

Junior John Novembre said, “Last year my new year’s resolution was to listen to 40 albums and I listened to 41, so this year I want to listen to 50 albums.” One of his favorite artists is Lana Del Rey, so let’s hope she releases more music.

History teacher Mr. Mohan shared some wisdom with us and said, “I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions. It seems like we have a weird relationship with time, it’s very arbitrary to say that on this particular day, a whole new thing is starting. Many people put off change till that date and usually, it never happens. ”

I agree; when we put off changing a thing, we are less likely to actually complete that goal. This is especially true when you go around telling people your goals and aspirations, you lose the actual motivation for them.

“We should be able to make those changes and not dramatically,” said Mr. Mohan, explaining that a Step-by-Step process for change is much more impactful and long-lasting.

Overall, this is a new year, so if you didn’t like the person you were last year, change, it’s not that hard.