Marketing Two Class Begins SADD Campaign

January 28, 2016
Mrs. Piro’s Marketing Two Class is taking on a big project for the next couple of months. The class will be marketing for the program known as SADD or Students Against Destructive Decisions. Officer Mark DuBouis came to speak to the marketing two class about creating a billboard and posters to raise awareness throughout Passaic County.
At last week’s assembly, the marketing classes’ work was put on display for the entire student body. Their posters encased the harsh reality behind addiction and that things are not always as perfect as they seem. The poster has a white picket fence which symbolizes perfection and that there are no problems, but there is a shadow of a man sitting on the steps with his head in his hands symbolizing that things really are not what they seem.
“I’m very proud with the work that my Marketing Two Class has come up with and how much dedication they’ve been putting towards this project,” says Jennifer Piro, the Marketing Two Teacher. The next step for the class is designing a billboard that will be displayed around Passaic County to help raise awareness about the SADD Program.
“It’s been an honor to be able to be a part of this great cause and to help positively influence other teens,” says Lauren Drogy, a marketing two student.