The 2022 Girls’ Varsity Volleyball team made history this year at Wayne Hills High School, winning the Passic County Tournament.
With support from their coach, Coach Pedro Crespo along with the JV and Freshman coaches, Coach Theresa Moschel and Morgan Mende, the team was able to get through this tough volleyball season. After betting Valley at Counties, they were crowned by Passaic County Champs, with a score of 24 to 18 on thier last game.
The Wayne Hills girl’s volleyball team is not only County Champions; they really showed their younger peers and all people that if you work really hard you can achieve anything. Valley vs. Hills state game
Alexandria Catania, a freshman volleyball player at Wayne Hills shared her remarks, saying “I am so proud of the varsity girls for making it to the County Finals. For years I’ve been watching girls’ volleyball and never seen a team so compassionate and working together as well as they did. I will always look up to them and hope I can be as good as they are someday.”
Jenny Choi, a senior on the varsity volleyball and also one of the three captains said, “Honestly I’ve been waiting for this day since I started freshman year. It was so surreal and I was thankful that all our hard work paid off.”
With a lot of hard work and many hours of volleyball practice and drills, these girls were able to win County Finals and go to States for the first time in Girls Volleyball history.
With the help of Coach Crespo and the three captains, Jenny Choi, Arianna Wood, and Brielle Wood they had a successful season. This volleyball season will never be forgotten and will be cherished by the school and all volleyball players at Wayne Hills. Congrats, Varsity Girls!