When asked what they will be doing this summer, some students at Hills didn’t have a solid answer. As everyone is in the summer-no-work mindset, it is hard to concentrate on school and plan for vacation at the same time. If you are looking for some inspiration for plans this summer, here’s an interview with a few freshmen who have the July-August dates figured out.
Emilia Caruso was one of the few freshmen interviewed who had a response that sounded like she had been planning for a while. She plans to hang out with friends and family, take many visits to the beach, and is going to states like Nashville and Pennsylvania for Wayne Hills Cheerleading. She said, “I’m so excited to be sleeping in late and getting on vacation. This school year hasn’t been the worst, but as a freshman, there has been a lot of stress and pressure put on me and the rest of my grade. We have been focusing on getting used to high school and its schedules, and now it’s time to relax.”
Cassandra Rietsema, a freshman at Hills, also had clear and enthusiastic feedback about her upcoming summer. She is looking forward to getting tan and catching some waves at the shore. She said, “I think it’s important for, like, everyone who works or learns at school to get a break from staying up late to finish homework every night and waking up early to leave for school. Also, I think the month of June and an end to the school year is one of the favorite things of any student.”
Freshman Marley Smith gave an excited and passionate smile when talking about July and August. Marley’s overall favorite part of summer is long road trips to vacation spots with her family. When asked what the difference “I don’t know, I mean everything just seems calmer and has such a, like, ease to it. There’s no rushing around in the mornings before school or anything like that. Everything’s just focused on fun and hanging out with your friends.”
Kids at Hills have a clearly strong fascination with summer and the no-school setting. Friendships and fun usually thrive with these students and it is really interesting to see what kind of activities and perspectives different types of people have with summer and vacation.