SDA Tryout Results Are Out!

SDA White and Maroon team

By Leah Caruso, Staff Writer

On June 2nd, the tryouts for the 2022-2023 SDA show took place and was a huge success. Many students came out to watch, support their friends, and cast their votes for who should get each position. 

This year, there were many people trying out in hopes of becoming either an officer, captain, or overall for next year’s show. The officer positions that only seniors can run for are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretaries, and Historians. The officers are decided based on the tryouts, their essays and interviews are taken into consideration when deciding who should get each position. A week prior to this, anyone wanting to be an officer or overall had to meet with the advisors and some past SDA officers. During these interviews, the advisors ask questions about why they want this position, why they would be the best candidate, what they would do to improve the program, and so much more. After everyone running for an officer position tried out, any SDA member that was there was able to vote.

When it comes to the captains positions, there are alot of new captains running this year. Anyone can try out to be a captain for either pom, tap, aero, or jazz. In preparation for the tryouts, everyone needs to make a routine of the style that they are trying out for. Depending on what position you want, the dance can range from a minute- two minutes. The potential captains create a dance that highlights what they will include in their dance for the show. The tryouts are meant to show off your best moves and show why you are the best choice to be a captain.  

For the overall position, there were two people running up against one another for both the white and maroon team. The overall tryout dance is a little different from the other captains dances. Anyone that wants to be an overall, they have to choreograph a two minute dance that has every style in it: pom, tap, aero, and jazz.

After everyone performed and the votes were in, the advisors let everyone know the the following day of the results:




Rachel Rodis

Vice President:

Mia Rivera


Adrianna Gialanella


Eva Morante

Assistant Historian:

Jordyn Green


Bella Bissora

Financial Secretaries:

Skylar Levitt

Samantha Kopleton


White Captains

Pom:    LeeAnna Buonpastore and Danielle Brunetti                        

 Tap:     Leah Kleinstein and Julianna Lombardo                                

Aero:    Ava Pereira and Milena Taibl                                                   

Jazz:    Sydney Heltzer and Bella Catania     


Maroon Captains

Pom:  Angelina Kuhn and Ava Cahn

Tap:    Gavin Garolis-Bechtold and Gia Ciccone

Aero:   Ava Ablaschai and Chelsey Fernicola 

Jazz:   Jadyn Nisenson and Mikayla Sevret



White: Ava Yannuzzi

Maroon: Mia Kahar


Great job to everyone that tried out and good luck to the future officers, captains, and overalls!

SDA 2022 officers
The officers of the 2022 SDA show