The Senior Fashion Show is quickly approaching, with the date set for March 16, 2016. Seniors attended a meeting Thursday, January 14 to learn about the details of the event, and planning starts now!
This year, the students will be grouped together with their friends to organize their dresses, tuxes, hair, and makeup. One parent volunteer is assigned to each group to assist in the process of preparing for the show. The students are responsible for a biography about their high school career and their future goals.
“I’m really looking forward to this year’s fashion show! A lot of work is being put into this fundraiser and we are really excited for everyone to see it!” said senior, Marisa Scialla.
The fashion show is used as a fundraiser for the senior class’s Project Graduation. This event is extremely important to the senior class and their families, and has been a tradition of WHHS for many years. Project Graduation is a drug and alcohol free event and it allows students to have a safe and fun time after graduation. The location of the event is a complete surprise, so the students look forward to finding out where they will be going.
“Project Graduation is a really great event because it stops students from making bad decisions after they graduate. Graduation is a positive time in our lives, and it should be celebrated, not stained with tragedy as has happened in the past. Project Graduation will prevent any dangerous activities, and it will be a lot of fun. I am really excited to see the surprising place we are going to this year!” said senior, Nicole Loffredo.