Class Review: AP Government and Politics

Mr. Shale hard at work
February 24, 2022
With students wrapping up scheduling, they have many difficult decisions to make when choosing their next year’s classes. There are many great choices for whatever you are interested in, but if you are into history and politics, a great class to look into is AP American Government and Politics.
In this class, not only do you learn about today’s politics, but you also go back and examine some of the important trials in our country’s history which played a big part in shaping our government to what it is today. As a student in the class, you will learn a lot about relevant topics that we see happening right now such as Supreme Court nominations and elections. Taking this class will allow you to have a greater understanding of government and politics and allow you to speak with confidence when talking about politics. Mr. Shale, who has been a teacher at Wayne Hills High School for 24 years, has been teaching AP Government and Politics for 23 years. He keeps the class engaged and finds interactive ways for his students to learn the materials.
When asked about who this class would be the right fit for Mr. Shale said, “ It is for any student who is motivated and wants to learn more about how their country works.” Mr. Shale also went on to say, “There isn’t any class that is more relevant to people’s real world lives. It is applicable and makes you more informed and engaged”. He teaches in a way that is “relaxed, conversational, and collaborative”.
With the year being spent preparing for the AP exam, Mr. Shale said that his “students usually exceed the national average and work very hard.” He commends the effort his students put in.
As students of the class, we can agree that you get out what you put in.