Donations of Food
Although the holidays are arguably the most exhilarating time of the year, many impoverished individuals suffer from hunger, not only in Wayne, but around the globe.
As citizens of Wayne, it is necessary to acknowledge the distressing, yet genuine, reality that direly affects disadvantaged individuals in this town. An exceptionally effective way to give back to your community is to provide donations to local food drives.
The Wayne Interfaith Network Food Pantry is just one donation center that focuses on providing non-perishable food to eligible residents in need. Although the organization is labeled as a food pantry, it will accept various cleaning supplies and personal care items as well, as food is not the only necessity they are deficient in. The pantry, in itself, is not accessible to the public. What this center wants to ensure is that families, with both short and long-term needs, will be assisted when needed. To do so, it asks that volunteers pack bags of food, along with other items, according to the requirements of impecunious families. The pantry clients are later paged when the food is ready to be transported.
The Salvation Army is yet another organization that strives to meet human needs whenever possible. Donating to The Salvation Army is quite simple, as it has various organization centers that make the giving process more facile. For more information on what The Salvation Army is, and how you can donate, check out Salvation Armies near Wayne.
Second Mile Emergency Food & Paper Pantry is a ministerial institution that works to provide families near Wayne with items including, but not limited to, food staples, paper goods, and hygienic products. Its hours of operation are on Saturdays, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.
St. Mary’s Food Pantry is another accessible donation center located at 22R Lakeside Drive, Pompton Lakes. It distributes food to individuals, primarily in Pompton Lakes, but also in neighboring communities, in urgent need. It accepts a variety of non-perishable food, along with frozen meat and dairy products. The organization has made donating to their food pantry uncomplicated by providing an online page designated to just that.
“Making donations to local food pantries is just the way to start off this holiday season. One of the best ways to give back to your community is to contribute to those impoverished citizens of your township, and food institutions make that process practically effortless,” said Wayne Hills High School sophomore Isabella Bernier.
Donating during the holidays is munificent, but it is important to remember that people do not just starve when the holidays come around. Individuals who starve during the holiday seasons likely starve during the rest of the year as well. Therefore, it is crucial to consistently donate to food drives, when capable of doing so.