School Districts Instilling Stricter Regulations in Regards to COVID-19

The Lion’s Tale

Picture of Students Wearing Masks Properly in School

By Gianna Bernier, Staff Writer

As of recently, Wayne Hills High School has decided that students who have, or have come into contact with, COVID-19 will revert to online school for the duration of their sickness. 

Many individuals are concerned about not only the rapid outbreak of this respiratory disease, but the way in which their schools are handling COVID-19 as well. Generally speaking, being an administrator or overseer of a school is exceedingly difficult, as the abundance of students in an educational edifice is hard to maintain. Now, in such dire circumstances, the tasks that these executives are expected to undertake to seem to be unimaginably more arduous than ever before.

Similar to the abrupt uprising of challenges that school districts are attempting to overcome, the students in these schools are being affected by this instantaneous alteration in atmosphere. After spending more than a year enduring online education, students were forced to re-enter the school buildings. Whether or not this decision was for the benefit of these youthful learners stays unanswered.

What remains clear from the public’s perspective, however, is that of the effects of a sudden adjustment from virtual to in-person school. Although the social aspect may be one advantage of returning to school, the health of these individuals is jeopardized. 

By setting foot in a school where restrictions and regulations are actively followed, more students may not be as reluctant to go to school on a day-to-day basis. The first sign of upward mobility is one of many. “Ideally, everyone who is not vaccinated, and contracts COVID-19, should stay home for the duration of their sickness, attending school virtually,” said Isabella Bernier, a sophomore at Wayne Hills High School. 

Entering any type of environment where one may not feel entirely safe is distracting as it is. Now, taking COVID-19 into consideration, students are forced to worry about the possible transmission of this disease. “Being in school as this pandemic is still transpiring definitely shifts students’ focus, as we have to worry about who we come into contact with on a daily basis,” sophomore Sasha Ambramsky said, “as opposed to just being able to focus on academics.”