What makes a good teacher?

March 25, 2021
“A great teacher is warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. … This is the teacher to whom students know they can go with any problems or concerns or even to share a funny story. Great teachers possess good listening skills and take time out of their way-too-busy schedules for anyone who needs them.” stated Faculty Focus.
Wayne Hills’ students believe a good teacher is more of a teacher of life rather than of random subjects such as science that is not necessairly needed for everyone and their own careers. A good teacher possesses the quality of being trustful towards their students such as allowing them to disclose something serious and being able to learn life skills from the teachers to help students grow.
“A good teacher is understanding and someone who you can have fun listening/talking to while still respecting and being able to learn,” said Brandon Caprioni, a senior. “It’s someone who looks to help you learn and do well.”
“Most of the teachers that work at Wayne Hills are examples of good teachers. Although there are many good examples, there are just a few perfect ones. One perfect example of good teacher is Mr. Berkowitz. Berkowitz is a teacher who makes the class interactive, fun, and exciting and students to want to learn more about the world and how it came to be. Students have a lot on their plate and few teachers see that, but Mr. Berkowitz has a deep understanding for how stress can affect someone’s life.
“If you need help with something going on, he is always willing to teach you more than just a history lesson. He gives you advice about the world and real life experiences,” stated Michael Campigotto, Junior.
“A good teacher is understanding of their students’ feelings and responsibilities. They look at things from their perspective and create a healthy relationship with them,” said Leah Rodgers, a senior.
These are qualities all teachers should have. Students need to be able to rely and trust their teachers who while teaching them skills such as Algebra 1, they also give students advice about real life situations and skills. A good teacher isn’t just someone who teaches you how to add and subtract and learn the laws of gravity. A good teacher in the eyes of students today is someone who is supportive toward their students’ decisions and will walk them through the highs and lows of life at any moments notice.