The Season of Giving

December 16, 2015
Safyre Schenectady, an eight-year-old girl, asks for one present this holiday: to fill her Christmas card holder with as many Holiday cards as possible. Safyre doesn’t have a typical little girls life. Unfortunately, in May 2013, someone set fire to the upstairs stairwell which lead up to Safyre’s apartment, killing her father and her three siblings all under the age of three. Her mother signed custody rights over to the state of New York, and now Safye lives with her aunt Liz Dolder. Although Safyre survived, she got severely burned (over 75 percent of her body), lost her right hand, left foot, and had to receive over 50 surgeries to graft skin over her burns. Through everything that happened, Safyre is still a beautiful, strong little girl who manages to have a smile on her face every day.
“It’s so great how everyone wants to give Safyre a great holiday. Reading all about Safyre’s story makes me realize how strong she is, and I am just so happy that her wishes are coming true,” said Wayne Hills freshman, Samantha Vaught.
Safyre received over 20,000 cards, and more is still on their way. Do you want to make her holiday’s great? Mail a holiday card to: Safyre, P.O. Box 6126, Schenectady, New York, 12306.
Here’s another way: American Greetings heard about Safyre’s wish they created a page as a way for everyone to sign a card that they will send to Safyre at no cost!