AP Schedule Change Update

March 15, 2021
With only seven weeks left before AP exams begin in May, the Wayne District has made the decision to provide AP exams during the first administration for the first two weeks of May.
The College Board has made three different administrations in different weeks throughout May and June that schools can choose from. These options help to account for the possibility of students needing to quarantine for two weeks and not being able to access in-person paper tests.
Our district has chosen the paper exams occurring on May 3-7, 10-12, 14, and 17th in-person, full-length exams. This means not an open notes, 45 minute exam like last year.
If a student must quarantine, there are additional times during Administration 2 that could potentially be an in-person or digital exam, which apparently there are more details that will follow as the administration makes them.
“I am pretty okay with the in-person exams because I feel like they will be best for us, the students, in the long run and the school has been running smoothly with in-person classes that I am not worried about COVID,” comments Junior Tyler Sirot.
“I think it is good because they are more questions than last year so our entire score isn’t just based on one unit or question for the entire course,” explains Senior Mannut Singh.
As an AP student, I think this is the smartest course of action as well, despite the obvious more challenging aspects taking the exams without notes. I think the exams in-person will be less time-restricted and easier for hand-written-based exams, like AP Calculus or sciences. Hand-writing itself will also be a challenge as most assignments and essays have been typed for the past year, making the History and English AP exams definitely a concern.