With 2020 already behind us, it’s obvious this school year has been nothing short of extraordinary. Although we all had to adjust to new school rules and regulations, the freshmen were definitely given a run for their money.
The term freshman is usually synonymous with newbie or newcomer and at times, the freshman experience can mean an anxiety-ridden first couple of months to adjust. That can often be difficult in and of itself, but add hybrid and distance learning, and the class of 2024 has been unlike any other.
“I would say that the hardest thing about being a freshman during the pandemic is that I still don’t feel like I’m a high schooler,” said Ava Milevski. “Sure you get clip-it’s here and there of what the experience was once like, but it’s just not the same. Part of me still feels like this is some sort of dream and I’ll wake up as my little eighth-grade self- but that’s not the case at all.”
This brings a good point. These students don’t feel like they are even in high school, They aren’t getting the full high school experience. Being a high schooler means going to school by day and going to games or other school events at night. Being in high school means you’re growing up. The freshmen just feel like they’re still eighth graders because they haven’t felt the high school experience at all.
Most kids are adjusting decently to the system while others just don’t find anything wrong with the experience they are going through right now. It makes it difficult to not be able to learn straight from the teachers and always have to wait for a response in an email because those “stay after class” days are no longer possible.
“I honestly don’t think there is anything hard about it,” said Gavin Garolis Bechtold. “But if there was I would say possibly the missing out of the experience of starting high school and reaching out to teachers. They don’t always get back to you and once we go back into the building, I will be experiencing the high school experience for the first time since I’ve never been throughout the entire building yet.”
“With virtual learning, this year during covid the worst part has to be leaving the classroom setting,” said Matt Anevski. “A class has order and rules to keep you working effectively and efficiently. At home, there are no rules or anything at all. There’s no feeling of urgency to get something done during “class.”
Freshman will eventually get their high school experience, but for now, they have to deal with being the guinea pigs of the 2020-21 school year.