The Video Morning Announcement team is seeking content from club advisors, coaches, and any teacher or administrator who may have news for the school.
“Have a great day Wayne Hills and someone will be with you tomorrow.” With these words, students would conclude the morning announcements each day over the public address system. However, with the pandemic shuttering schools since the beginning of 2020, these announcements were instantly transformed to Video Morning Announcements posted to Google Classroom pages daily.
“When COVID-19 hit, we decided to take what was once a monthly video announcement and present it on a daily basis,” said Donna Del Moro, journalism and English teacher at WHHS. “We decided to keep it going this year, so that all students, whether virtual or in various cohorts, could see the announcements on a daily basis.”
“This year, we decided to keep it going because it gives the TV production class an opportunity to learn how to edit and put videos together. So we really encourage teachers to post them to their Google Classroom accounts and show them if they have time,” said James Hoogstrate, TV Production teacher.
Announcers record the script for the next day during their journalism or TV Production class, and then one day a week, a student records the announcements from home. Right now, there are more than 20 volunteers doing either the pledge live in school or the video morning announcements.
It does not take very long anymore to make the videos; it takes around 10 minutes to record the video itself. The announcer is allowed to practice saying the script beforehand. They will talk to club advisors, coaches, and teachers to send videos and directly share it to Google Drive and then share it with Del Moro and Hoogstrate to be put into the morning announcements.