The WHHS 2020 Freshmen Student Council members have recently been elected, with 11 officers and representatives to serve for this year.
This year the student council election offered 14 positions including representatives, but not all of the representative positions were filled. The officer positions include the president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. There are also 10 representative positions.
“Last year the freshman struggled to fill their officer positions. This year, however, we had two candidates running for President, Vice president, and secretary,” said Madeline Perez, freshman class advisor.
“All of the candidates had to fill out questionnaires that require them to express their interest and plans for the year,” said Perez. “All of them had to sign a contract signing their commitment to the program,” she continued.
Both Kobylinski and Perez indicated that all of our representatives seem like they are students who will help WHHS for the better.
Ava Milevski, this year’s freshman student council president, wants to make a difference in the school community without letting any difficulties like COVID-19 or the hybrid schedule stop her.
Samuel Dorfman, vice-president for this year, is planning to add some more spirit days to the school year as well as try to foster
Gia Ciccone, the new student council secretary, has many plans for what she wants to do this year. One of them is a student and faculty open mic day, “where everyone gets to have a say and share it with everyone else,” Gia states.
Rebekah Simon-Wainick, treasurer for the ninth grade student council, plans to work to raise money for our class. One specific idea she had was to, “enlist the fire department to help us host an event to raise money for our grade,” stated Simon-Wainick.