Relay for Life Committee Begins Planning

December 7, 2015
Relay season is quickly approaching and the Relay for Life Committee is already at work planning the event. Relay for Life is an event held all over the country that fund raises money for the American Cancer Society in hopes of finding a cure. The event also raises awareness in our community and commemorates those who have suffered or know someone who has suffered from cancer. In 2012, an estimated number of 13,766,251 live with cancer in the United States.
Senior and leader of the committee Luminaria, Christine Han, states, “Relay for life is an event that visibly and tangibly reminds people how many people are impacted by cancer and shows the strength of a community to solve it. From high school students alone, we raise hundreds of thousands of dollars.”
WHHS is currently 10th in the country in terms of raising money for Relay for Life. The theme for this year’s event is “Cure Carnival” and will be held at Wayne Valley High School. Leaders Katie Cassimissina, Mallika Venkatachalam, and the rest of the committee is hard at work making the event perfect. It takes time, hard work, and a lot of motivation to host a Relay for Life event, but it is all for a good cause that will help millions of people all over the globe.