Student Survey Reveals Reaction to Chesney Motivational Speech

Scott Chesney visits schools around the country addressing bullying issues.
March 27, 2020
In a survey conducted by the school following Scott Chesney’s presentation last month, most students indicated that they either stayed neutral or felt motivated by the motivational speaker’s message: “with the power to choose comes the power to change.”
Chesney visited Wayne Hills High School on February 26 and addressed all four grades. After the presentation, students were given a survey to take about how they felt about the presentation. Overall there were many mixed results.
Out of the 632 responses from the survey, 285 people or a little less than half, considered themselves leaders when it came down to their role against bullying. More than 400 people confessed to being a witness of bullying and only 20 people agreed that they were the bully.
Students were also asked if they had suggestions regarding how to make school a more positive environment in which many had similar feedback.
“I think that always remaining positive is so important, always be kind no matter the situation. Positivity is contagious and bounces off others.” said one 10th grade respondent.
“Simply being positive when communicating/talking,” said a 9th grader. “It’s way easier to just act neutral and easily to be bummed off at something. Even though it’s harder to be a positive person for your surroundings. I would rather be very positive knowing that it affects others in their mood. I care about my family and close friends more than I care about myself.”
Although many people had positive feedback to give after Chesney’s speech, almost half of the responses said they were either unsure or did not feel that Chesney’s speech was beneficial to them.
Chesney, a paralyzed two-time world traveler and self-described navigator of life, suffered from a spinal stroke leaving him paralyzed from the belly button down.