COVID-19 Makes Many Changes to AP, ACT, SAT, and NJSLA Exams

By Naila Dasilva and Manuela Gonzalez

As the coronavirus spreads rapidly in America, the College Board has made adjustments to dates and requirements for AP classes, SAT, and ACT. 

The college board has opened up free AP review classes starting March 25th where real  AP teachers help students prepare for their exam. You can find the review classes on the AP Youtube Channel. As for the exam itself, the College Board is developing a way students can take the test at home.

The test will be a 45- minute online free-response exam. You can access the test on any electronic device or answer the questions on paper and submit a picture of your work. Exams will be based on what students were taught from the beginning of the school year until the beginning of March. 

“I feel like the AP exams are going to be easier since normally the AP exams are 3 hours, but they will be cutting down the time because of this chaos,” stated senior Santiago Gonzalez

“Some students may want to take the exam sooner rather than later, while the content is still fresh. Other students may want more time to practice. For each AP subject, there will be two different testing dates.

The full exam schedule, specific free-response question types that will be on each AP Exam, and additional testing information will be available by April 3.” stated the College Board on their website.

For other AP classes where an exam is not required and portfolios are required, submission dates have been pushed back to May 26th and the requirements have been reduced. All submissions have been moved to digital submissions. 

Many Schools throughout NJ have been postponing the NJSLA. Right now the NJSLA website has not stated any concerns on whether or not their exams will get canceled this year.

College Board has also canceled the May 2 SAT. Makeup exams for the March 14 administration (scheduled for March 28) have also been canceled. As of right now, the  College Board has not canceled the SAT for June 6. The college board has also canceled many PSAT. 

The College Board has also paired up with Khan Academy to post videos to help kids study for futures exams.