Wayne Hills Plans for Online Schooling Until After Spring Break

By Lily Waterman, Junior Editor

As we begin online schooling, many people have questions about how online schools will function. There are tons of things students need to be aware of and be responsible for while learning from a distance.

Some basic things to help stay organized: keep a planner of what and when new assignments are due, charge your chrome book, ask questions and, mainly, stay attentive to instructions from your teachers. A lot of online school is dictated by the students’ convenience: take advantage of that but understand the work must get done every day or you will be marked absent.

Allocate time in the day to studying and finishing assignments from teachers. Although students no longer have to physically go to school, there is still work every day to get done to continue education. Students must complete assignments because the days need to count towards the state-mandated 180 day school year.

“We’ve been heading this way for a while, and plans will definitely have to be changed and adjusted to use google classroom without in-person instruction. English classes will stay relatively the same. As anyone can: read, analyze, write. You can do that at home and you can do that here,” comments Joseph Fleissner, English elective, AP Language and Composition, and English teacher.

When completing assigned work, try to find a place beside your bed, so there is less chance of distraction and work mindset. It is going to be easy to get distracted by social media or Netflix, but it is also imperative to complete the work necessary for that day. So might as well just finish it and continue your day.

As of this writing, students will report for a half-day tomorrow, Monday, March 16.  Two emergency days will follow and distance learning begins on Thursday, March 19.

“Make sure the work you are submitting is authentic. Online classes tend to more tenuous than in class or lecture-based learning. You have nothing to do all day: make it productive,” says Mr. Brian Gelalia, Health, and Gym teacher.

Another major thing to keep in mind is the amount of free time most students will now have due to the cancellation of all after school activities. Use this time wisely: AP exams are coming up in just under two months, SAT/ACT practice for juniors, or other hobbies like exercising or sports.

Experts have suggested that everyone practice social distancing, i.e. staying away from public places, large crowds and social gatherings.  See related article on Coronavirus outbreak for more information.

“We are all going to have to learn together and adapt to online schooling. But I know for my classes, students must prepare for AP tests and stay on the same schedule with videos and interactive learning online, which all teachers will learn more about at the technology workshops on Friday morning. As for testing, we have already given tests and quizzes online. I think we can do it,” says Erika Sherger, AP Physics I and II teacher.

While many tips for online learning success are geared toward college students  Tips for Online Learning, some of them are applicable for high school students as well.

AP classes especially take a hit to the curriculum with missing a month, however, it is imperative to keep everyone safe.

How do you feel about the decision to close schools and cancel sports and extra-curricular activities?  The Patriot Press would like to hear your voice.  Feel free to comment on this article.