The Patriot Press Announces Key Editorial Positions

December 3, 2019
The Patriot Press has recently announced its 2019-2020 staff, welcoming many new members as well as assigning job titles to well-deserved applicants. With a great deal of newly appointed senior, junior, and sophomore editors, the team is fully equipped to keep the school audience efficiently informed.
This year’s sophomore editor, Juliana Lee, has been a member of the newspaper for the entirety of her two years spent here at Wayne Hills.
“I am thrilled to have the job of the sophomore editor, and I’m really looking forward to everything we have in the works for the upcoming year,” says Juliana Lee.
Juniors Lily Waterman and Lauren Reiser have secured editor positions after being on The Patriot Press for two or more years.
“I am so excited to have the position as one of the junior editors after being a part of The Patriot Press since my freshman year,” says Lauren Reiser. “I really enjoy informing our school about prevalent issues while also helping our club grow and improve.”
Taking the lead as senior editors are Jimmy He and Alexa Soroka. They will share the responsibilities with Assistant Senior Editors, Allison Har, Nedeen Khashashina, and Laura Lassen.
In terms of keeping tabs on numerous athletics, senior Sports Editors John Conturso and Jack Woodard are thrilled to continue reporting all national and school sports with the assistant sports editors, Isaiah Ahumada and Aaron Hook.
Section editors include Luke Kaplan, Noah Kaplan, Yulieanna Sim and this writer. They are also eager to help ensure that each section of the publication is upt-to-date.
“I love writing and editing for the paper and am really happy I can have a designated category to manage this year,” says Yulieanna Sim, a junior.
“All of these extraordinarily conscientious and dependable members of our team have obtained significant duties in the newspaper,” said Donna Del Moro, English teacher, and adviser to the publication. “As editors, they have accepted a role responsible for coordinating reporting, writing, revising, designing, and publishing news articles,” she adds.
Del Moro said that The Patriot Press team works in concert with the journalism class to keep the news up to date.
Junior and senior social media editors, Kendra Levendusky and Kyla Gallipoli manage the newspaper’s Instagram and Twitter accounts. They make fundamental contributions to all our social media platforms, helping us better connect with our readers.
Our recently installed collaborative crew of writers and editors is excited to continue updating our audience on the day-to-day breaking news. In order to hear more from our new members, make sure to keep up with all of the upcoming Patriot Press publications.
Those interested in joining staff should feel free to come to any meeting during the second half of lunch on Wednesdays or immediately after school on Wednesdays in Room 212.