WHHS’ First Student of the Month

November 20, 2015
Integrity is basically doing a good deed, even when others are not watching. What would you do if you were awarded for your integrity? That is exactly what has happened to Adam Radwan, senior. This is the first time that WHHS has issued a Student of the Month, and Radwan was very shocked to find out it was him. He is honored to be the first one in WHHS history to receive such a reward. He’s always been the type to help out his fellow classmates. This year, he went to extra lengths to help out a foreign exchange student. He helped him understand the American customs and cultures.
“I respect everyone no matter their ethnicity, race, or religion. These are the rules that was instilled in me while growing up.”, strongly stated Radwan.
According to Donna King, the student assistant counselor, each month focuses on one-out-of-six pillars. Those six pillars are:
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Integrity
- Fairness
- Trust
- Caring
- Citizenship
Each teacher is to nominate a student in their classes. They are to choose someone who fits this criteria. This was instilled to motivate more students to do nicer things for one another. For we as one school is one family.
“Reach out to those in need. We should be more respectful and tolerant of one another and always remember that communication is key. Also, follow the good examples that the future winners are setting.”, suggested Radwan.
November/December will be considered one month, but once January starts, there will be one student per month chosen.
Congratulations to Adam Radwan and keep checking to see who’s next!