Two Chemistry Teachers Leave Wayne Hills

Chemistry Teacher Performing Experiment In Classroom
October 24, 2019
By the end of the year, two chemistry teachers, Mrs. Bayliss and Ms. Demologin, will have left Wayne Hills High School; Mrs. Bayliss will be on maternity leave while Ms. Demologin will be leaving after a new job offer.
Mrs. Bayliss has been a teacher at Wayne Hills for 17 years. She started teaching as a replacement chemistry teacher from February until June of 2002 and transitioned into a hired teacher for Chemistry Enriched and AP Chemistry ever since.
“Even though its temporary because and I will be back in April, I truly don’t like leaving my classes especially in an unknown situation with who will take over,” Mrs. Bayliss commented.
“I will miss Mrs. Bayliss a lot but am really happy for her and can’t wait to see her again in April,” Karen Dahdouh, a student from her AP Chemistry class, stated.
Ms. Demologin’s leave has also saddened many students. One student even stated that she “will miss Ms. Demologin a lot and [wishes] her the best.”
Both chemistry teachers have greatly touched the hearts of many students and their leave will definitely sadden many.