Students React to New Turf Field

October 4, 2019
Over the summer, WHHS had a new turf field installed, that sports like football, soccer, girls lacrosse, boys lacrosse, and field hockey utilize for games and practices. Advancements in technology and quality were put in place in the new field, like “cool play as the infill.”
The $1 million project was financed through an agreement with the Passaic County Improvement Authority, which is providing a five-year loan, said Schools Superintendent Mark Toback in an article published on
Depending on their sport, students had differing views on the value of the field.
Kyle Cho, a freshman football player who often uses the new turf field, thinks the turf was worth it.
“The old turf was so worn down… I think the new turf was much needed,” adds Max Cohen a freshman lacrosse player.
Both Cho and Cohen agree that the turf field improved their performance during games and practices.
“It gives us better grip and traction, and keeps us cooler with the cool play infill in the turf,” Cho adds.
However, a freshman, who plans on playing softball during the spring, disagrees. Emily Bollinger believes that the turf does not help all sports teams and programs.
“The turf field is just used for a few sports… spending that much money on turf is kind of useless,” explains Bollinger.
Bollinger also suggested that instead of the school district spending so much money on a new field, they should try to fund other programs that need more money or more advanced equipment. She also thinks that the school should have added more security and safety measures with the budget.