Trump’s Response to ISIS Attacks

By Megan Rose

Donald Trump advised government officials to keep a tight leash on mosques.

In an interview for MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” the Monday following the ISIS attacks in Paris, Trump expressed what he thinks should be done to keep things calm on the Homefront.

When recalling something he learned about following the September 11 attacks, Trump said, “I’m not sure it’s a fact, but I heard that under the old regime we had tremendous surveillance going on in and around the mosques of New York City.”

Throughout the interview, the GOP candidate seemed very passionate about his advisories. Given Trump sees an entire religion being blamed for the ISIS attacks, he thinks that monitoring establishments of worship is the right way to prevent further attacks. The only thing worse than such a broad and offensive accusation to a religion as a whole, is the fact that someone would feel it right to violate the American separation of the church and the state.

If the tables were turned and it were a group of people from Ireland who claimed responsibility for the terrorist attacks, such a claim against the Roman Catholic religion as a whole would never be made because they are not the minority.

In addition to monitoring houses of worship and peace, Trump suggests going as far as shutting down certain ones, although not specified, in order to “defeat ISIS” because “some of the ideas and some of the hatred, is coming from these [mosques].”

When asked about her thoughts on the topic, junior Tatiana Bandras said, “just because it’s easier to accuse an entire religion of such horrible acts does not make it morally right or constitutional.”