It’s AP Week: Students Discuss Preparations for Tests

May 7, 2019
Any AP student at WHHS can tell you that the most difficult time of the year is AP Exams. Because AP tests are fast approaching, many students are trying to cram all the course’s information within the next week.
“I’m really nervous for the AP Statistics Exam,” said Junior Ilona Margolin. “I’m just going to do the best I can and hopefully I get a 4 or 5.”
Between balancing school work, sports, clubs, and other extracurricular activities, this time of the year can be extremely stressful for many.
“I’m stressed because since I’m a sophomore, I’ve never taken an AP Exam and I don’t know what to expect,” said Lily Waterman.
Many students have trouble managing and keeping track of time during their exam.
“Make sure you’re on top of your studying and stay calm,” advised AP Computer Science Principles and AP Economics teacher, Ryan Dawson.
According to PrepScholar, some helpful tips for students to succeed on their exams include doing the easy questions first, planning the essay section carefully, bringing a snack for the break, and maintaining a positive attitude.
“I’ve been studying a lot for my AP Calculus AB exam so I think I’ll by okay,” commented Senior Marc Sim.