WH TV Sports Talk-show

April 10, 2019
A student sports talk show is in production and might be posted before the NFL Draft.
The student talk show has been in the works for a few weeks. A few students from Mr. Hoogstrate’s TV 1 class will be participating in this show. It also will be placed on the Wayne Hills TV YouTube channel
The talk show is centered around the NFL Draft. The Draft begins on Thursday, April 25. Expect the Talk Show to be aired before this date. It seems that it will air for almost 16 minutes, but will be split into 3 parts. One segment will be talking about the Arizona Cardinals and who they will select with their first pick. Then the New York Giants, and Jets draft selections. Another segment is on college superstars and their designated destinations. Also teacher and student interviews will be placed on the talk show
This looks to be a fun addition to the Wayne Hills TV YouTube channel. A sports talk show has only been tried once, last year, by Jared Pohl and Jacob Waxman, two former seniors. The video did not meet expectations. It only had 20 views the first few days, according to Mr. Hoogstate. Now it stands with 154 views. This year Mr. Hoogstrate is looking to have a larger audience. If it gets enough views, you might see a few more episodes showcased.
“It takes the students love of sports and applies it to the class when it comes to editing and graphics.” replied Mr. Hoogstrate, when asked why he gave students an option to develop a talk show.
“I think it will be fun to listen to student’s opinions on sport events.” responded Nick Lucarello, when asked about his thoughts on the talk show.
Tune in and show as much support as possible for this talk show. It looks like it will grab attention to people interested in the NFL draft.