FBLA is Putting Chemo Bags Together

February 19, 2019
The Future Business Leaders of America Club (FBLA) is creating ‘chemo bags’ for cancer patients. The items inside the bags will include chapstick, mints, hand lotion, hand wipes, crayons, colored pencils, coloring books, fidget spinners, and Starbucks gift cards.
“Our goal in FBLA is to help donate back to the community so we are gathering supplies from all types of people and children affected by cancer that don’t have access to these simple items,” said Ethan Goldberg, President of FBLA.
“We are doing this because there is a state advisor whose family member was affected by childhood cancer and had to go through chemo,” said FBLA Junior Advisor Skyler Sieradzky. “They wanted to make bags for kids who are also going through that.
The initiative of producing chemo bags is actually statewide, and WHHS’s FBLA is just one of the many chapters involved. The Community Service Project is intended to make the grueling process of chemotherapy less stressful.
Anyone would like to donate any of these items for this amazing cause should contact Patricia Noll.