The hit Netflix Original, Stranger Things, will be returning this summer on July 4th.
There are currently two seasons available on Netflix for members to watch, and fans are thrilled to learn that the exhilarating show has more to come.
The star-studded cast includes Winona Ryder, David Harbour, and Millie Bobby Brown. The popular series takes place in Hawkins, Indiana in the 1980s and follows a group of children as they try to find their missing friend, Will.
“I think it’s kind of different than what most shows go towards. It’s like a sci-fi movie, and I think it’s cool that they switched away from the original teen TV shows,” said sophomore Deren Ergen.
Ultimately, their investigation leads them to the conclusion that their friend, Will, was kidnapped by a supernatural figure. “Basically, there is a monster in [an alternate universe called] the upside down that kidnaps little children. They also find this girl Eleven in the woods who has supernatural powers, and they all team together to fight the monster together,” sums up sophomore Carolina Cedraschi.
Dustin, played by Gaten Matarazzo, seems to be the clear Wayne Hills fan favorite. “I love Dustin because he is so funny and down to earth,” said sophomore Deren Ergen.
As for what is to come in season three, sophomore Sarah Barch said, “I want to see what happens with Mike and Eleven’s relationship and see where that goes.”