How do Seniors Feel About Coming to Wayne Hills Everyday?

December 13, 2018
With it currently being the moratorium period before the holidays and New Years, Wayne Hills Seniors are starting to feel senioritis.
The reason for this can vary, although most cases can be attributed to already hearing back from colleges. This, when combined with the fact that the first round of early decisions for many schools come back within a week or so makes for an interesting dynamic, or lack thereof, in the classrooms of Hills.
Senior Eric Kruglyak has said that he, “feels depressed” coming to school every day. In order to curve this feeling, Eric suggests that “starting school later will benefit” can help. He also added that, “Many of us (seniors) are busy with sports or work after school and might not be able to get to sleep early.”
Senior Jake Belli chimed in that he is “always tired.” He also feels that the “Starting school like an hour later and cut a few minutes off of each period” would be a good alternative to the normal school day.
Coming from a senior writing this article, I feel that many seniors here at Hills share this view that Eric and Jake expressed. We feel as if there is nothing to do at school and nothing further to accomplish. With this being said there has to be alternatives to being at school from 7:20 a.m. until 2:16 p.m.
Thoughts of leaving school early for a work-study or internship have been floated, but it is obvious that nothing will get done in time to help the class of 2019. Instead of accomplishing essentially nothing and slacking through school, why not put seniors to work in a real-world scenario or situation where they can make money and gain the necessary experiences to be successful in the future?