FDA Bans Juul Flavors

February 7, 2019
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Juuling is one of the most popular trends among teens in this day and age. There are about 3.6 million people that are under the legal age of getting a Juul, which is 18. E-cigarettes started to gain a lot of interest at around 2013 in high schools, and the sales of E-cigarettes skyrocketed with Juul coming in 2017.
Azim Chowdhury, a lawyer who represents vape manufacturers and vape shops, said that one way for the shops to continue to sell all flavors is to restrict entire stores to consumers 18 and older, a policy that many of his clients were already following.
With all of Juul’s sales, they have become a $60 billion company. A lot of the sales come from minors buying Juul’s and adults.
To help stop underage Juuling, Juul has stopped advertising on Instagram and other social media platforms to avoid influencing teenagers to Juul from public figures doing it. Juul has also stopped making fruit-flavored pods to prevent teens from wanting to buy them. The discontinuation of fruit-flavored pods caused a lot of chaos on social media and ruckus amongst the public. Now, the only way to buy fruit-flavored pods is to order them online and show ID.