Spirit Week is here and there is a lot to be done in order to prepare for the big week. The themes this year for each grade level are the Fierce Freshman who will wear pink, the Sophomore Scream that wears green, Junior Jurassic in purple and the Senior Spirits will wear orange. Throughout the week we will rival against each other using penny wars, posters, and buying cans. To give your grade extra points wear PJ’s on Monday, your favorite sports team apparel on Tuesday, patriotic clothing on Wednesday, your favorite superhero on Thursday, and on Friday, a t-shirt made for the Spirit Rally or the color for your grade. Finally on Friday, during the Spirit Rally, the grade levels will compete in various events to earn more points for their team. At the end of the Rally the points will be tallied and one lucky grade will be crowned with the title of spirit week champions.
This is a fun time for many, but the most important thing to remember is the true meaning behind Spirit week; giving back. All proceeds made through Penny Wars goes back to the community, so it is vital that we all donate. The bins for Penny Wars can be found outside the commons during lunch, before school and after school. With Thanksgiving right around the corner it is also very important that we bring in canned goods for families who cannot afford to have a huge feast this year. These families are Wayne residents, people from our own community. If you do not want to go get the cans, give money to a student council member and they will get it for you. If you are feeling EXTRA generous you can also give anyone on student council some money or a gift card to buy a turkey. Thanksgiving is the time to reflect on yourself and give back so please, donate to Penny Wars and bring in cans because a little bit goes a long way.
Unless you are on Student Council or a major part of Spirit week, you will never truly know how much effort and work is put into this. The Student Council contributes by donating countless hours of their time to create the best posters that can possibly be made. Some students help out with posters and aren’t even a member of student council. Often posters are started months in advance, usually starting in October. Olivia Vitale, a senior at Wayne Hills sacrifices much of her time to helping with posters because she loves seeing the end result. Once she see’s all the posters hung up in the gym, it feels like all the hard work, dedication and numerous hours were all worth it. “So many people come together just to make this day possible and it really brings the community closer together and bonded in a way that it never has before.” Spirit week wouldn’t be the same without the people involved who dedicate so much of their time for this event, so be sure to be thankful this year for your student council members and get involved in Spirit Week!