Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil
Brasília - O deputado Jair Bolsonaro discute com a deputada Maria do Rosário durante comissão geral, no plenário da Câmara dos Deputados, que discute a violência contra mulheres e meninas, a cultura do estupro, o enfrentamento à impunidade e políticas públicas de prevenção, proteção e atendimento às vítimas no Brasil. (Foto: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil)
In a little more than three weeks, Brazil will inaugurate Jair Bolsonaro, a right-wing populist, commonly referred to as Brazil’s Trump.
Bolsonaro’s supporters are young and say that he is in support of conservatism and follow him radically, but his views are often seen as nationalist and populist.
Along with his views, Bolsonaro has made plenty of controversial statements. One of which was when he told Congresswoman Maria do Rosario she was too ugly to be raped.
As a captain in the Brazilian military, he was in support of the dictatorship that ruled over Brazil until 1985. He has commonly made statements that show his support of torture and the reinstatement of the dictatorship. “I am in favor of torture, you know that, and the people are in favor of that too.” Said Bolsonaro in a 1999 television interview, “Through the vote, you will not change anything in this country. Anything! Absolutely Nothing!”
Bolsonaro is also an extreme homophobe, saying once that he’d rather have a dead son than a gay son. The LGBT community in Brazil is understandably horrified at his words but is preparing for what is soon to become the norm.
Bolsonaro won 55.1% of the total vote, a complete blowout against left candidate Fernando Haddad. President Trump has called and congratulated the newly appointed president and hopes to work side by side with Bolsonaro.
Senior Louis D’Agati says Bolsonaro just “stands for everything that is morally incorrect. The fact that Brazil elected this main as their leader in charge is just simply frightening.”